• Climate Imprints @ Northampton Community College

    Climate Imprints @ Northampton Community College

    Dunning Gallery
    Reception: April 10, 10am - 1pm
    February 17 - May 20, 2025

    Curated by: Chakaia Booker, Tara Sabharwal, and Justin Sanz

    Witnessing the increasingly evident signs of the destruction of our livable environment weighs heavy on the minds of many artists. As environmental and agricultural issues worsen, all people are forced to rethink their current situations to survive. Climate change is seamlessly linked with migration, much of the cause of the other.

    Artists collectively reflect the culture and thoughts of a society and printmaking has historically been a medium that reflects on pressing current events. In this exhibition, artists examine their responses to the climate crisis through various printmaking techniques.

    Participating artists: John Andrews, Chakaia Booker, Edward Fausty, Anna Fiacco, Rie Hasegawa, Shervone Neckles, Mohammad Khalil, Essye Klempner, Tara Sabharwal, Justin Sanz, Sarah Sears, Yasuyo Tanaka, Ethan Tate

    Northampton Community College, 2411 PA-715, Tannersville, PA, 18372

  • Past as Prologue: A Historical Acknowledgement, Part II @ The National Academy of Design

    Past as Prologue: A Historical Acknowledgement, Part II @ The National Academy of Design

    The National Academy of Design Gallery
    0pens February 6, 6–8pm
    February 6 - April 26, 2025

    A two-part exhibition, Past as Prologue: A Historical Acknowledgment, represents the National Academy of Design’s efforts towards a critical reassessment of the cultural context in which the Academy was founded. Past as Prologue Part II examines how artists have envisioned a more expansive notion of cultural identity through artworks imbued with the values of activist movements that have recast this country’s political landscape over the last century.

    The National Academy of Design, 519 West 26th Street, 2nd floor, New York, NY 10001.

  • No Prior Art: Illustrations of Invention @ The Los Angeles Public Library

    No Prior Art: Illustrations of Invention @ The Los Angeles Public Library

    Los Angeles Public Library, Central Library Getty Gallery
    September 14, 2024 through May 11, 2025

    The Library Foundation of Los Angeles presents “No Prior Art: Illustrations of Invention,” a new exhibition at Central Library's Getty Gallery and part of the PST Art: Art & Science Collide citywide program series. This exhibition explores the intersection of art, science, and invention, showcasing diverse stories of human creativity and celebrating the inventive spirit.

    Drawing inspiration from the Los Angeles Public Library's patent and intellectual property resources, "No Prior Art" features approximately 150 sculptures, photographs, drawings, models, inventions, and new commissions. It highlights the imaginative spirit of creators throughout American history, delving into their unexpected stories and diverse perspectives. The title, "No Prior Art," is a play on a legal term crucial to the patent application process, indicating that the claims of the invention must be unique and not obvious in existing patents.

    Los Angeles Central Library is located at 630 W. 5th St.

  • Climate Imprints @ The Current

    Climate Imprints @ The Current

    Opening Festival: June 22, 4-7
    June 22 - October 19, 2024

    Curated by: Chakaia Booker, Tara Sabharwal, and Justin Sanz

    Witnessing the increasingly evident signs of the destruction of our livable environment weighs heavy on the minds of many artists. As environmental and agricultural issues worsen, all people are forced to rethink their current situations to survive. Climate change is seamlessly linked with migration, much of the cause of the other.

    Artists collectively reflect the culture and thoughts of a society and printmaking has historically been a medium that reflects on pressing current events. In this exhibition, artists examine their responses to the climate crisis through various printmaking techniques.

    Participating artists: John Andrews, Chakaia Booker, Edward Fausty, Anna Fiacco, Rie Hasegawa, Shervone Neckles, Mohammad Khalil, Essye Klempner, Tara Sabharwal, Justin Sanz, Sarah Sears, Yasuyo Tanaka, Ethan Tate

    The Current, 90 Pond St., Stowe, VT

  • Places of Freedom and Containment @ Moore College of Art Design

    Places of Freedom and Containment @ Moore College of Art Design

    Opening reception: September 30, 5-7pm
    October 1 - December 3, 2022

    Curated by Charlotta Kotik and program of Moore’s Visiting Curators Initiative, at The Galleries at Moore College of Art & Design.

    Kotik’s presentation incorporates the work of four women artists: Rehab El Sadek, Sara Jimenez, Shervone Neckles, and Kara Rooney who all explore relationships to/with/in various locations—often places of origin—and examines the formal and psychological impact of such places on their creative practices. Illuminating intricacies of both urban design and individual domiciles, these unique perspectives explore how cross-cultural gender roles can be employed to create more enriching environments and offers a multicultural examination of urban and domestic spaces.

  • Bless This House @ Museum of Contemporary Art Jacksonville

    Bless This House @ Museum of Contemporary Art Jacksonville

    Opening Reception: September 3, 11am -1pm
    Curated by UNF Associate Professor Sheila Goloborotko and Assistant Professor Andy Kozlowski

    The song, Bless this House in the voice of Mahalia Jackson filled the rooms of Shervone Neckles' family home in Grenville, Grenada, West Indies. Encircled by the repeated refrain in varying tones, this Gospel calls for a blessing-to the walls, roof, door, and windows. Lastly, it somberly calls for a heartfelt prayer to the people that inhabit the house. This song, like all prayers, is a solemn request for help in the face of uncertainty, an appeal for guidance towards refuge and security.

    What makes a House one's Home?

  • Pulp Memory: Workspace Residency Exhibition 2020-2021

    Pulp Memory: Workspace Residency Exhibition 2020-2021

    On view at Dieu Donné from June 29th - August 19th, 2022
    Opening on June 29th 5:30pm - 7:30pm

    Featured Artists: Fanny Allié, Juan Hinojosa, Melissa Joseph, Shervone Neckles, Armita Raafat, Robert Raphael, and Jason Urban & Leslie Mutchler

    Pulp Memory presents new works in handmade paper by Dieu Donné 2020-2021 Workspace Residents. Using a wide variety of hand papermaking techniques, the included artists consider themes of personal, cultural, and historical memory. They explore and experiment with paper as a process-driven medium, allowing for care, consideration, and rumination on familiar forms. The featured artists construct contemporary altars, monuments, and mementos, bringing power, meaning, or an otherworldliness into their work.

  • Care/Repair: Mending the Circle @ Flushing Town Hall

    Care/Repair: Mending the Circle @ Flushing Town Hall

    Exhibition Date: June 1 - June 22
    Opening Reception: Sunday, June 12, 12-5 PM

    Care/Repair: Mending the Circle is not just an exhibition, it is a statement and conversation about human cooperation and our mutual interdependence. Care is fundamental to the human condition. It is manifest in myriad acts of kindness and labors of love. All humans are engaged in care activities, both as receivers of care and in most cases as care givers. And we care most for those that are emotionally, physically and culturally closer to us. What are the boundaries of our caring? How far should the boundaries of caring be expanded?

    This exhibition is presented by SEQAA (Southeast Queens Artist Alliance). Participating artists include Damali Abrams, Natali Bravo-Barbee, Sherese Francis, Jacqueline Herranz-Brooks, Chemin Hsiao, Marvenia Knight, Rejin Leys, Angela Miskis, Shervone Neckles, Elizabeth Velazquez, Shenna Vaughn, Margaret Rose Vendryes. The exhibition is curated by Shilpi Chandra.

  • The Agreement: Chromatic Presences @ Zürcher Gallery, New York

    The Agreement: Chromatic Presences @ Zürcher Gallery, New York

    April 2 - May 11, 2022
    Curated by: William Corwin

    Featured Artists: William Corwin, Poppy DeltaDawn, Tom Doyle, Daniel Giordano, Remy Jungerman, Shervone Neckles, Ugo Rondinone, Andrew Ross, Nancy Shaver, Kianja Strobert, Lynn Umlauf, and Sun You

    In the story of Noah and the Ark, after the flood, the creator who has just destroyed almost all the evidence of their artistic practice—aka God—makes a binding promise to never do it again. They present the world with a gift, one which is unexpected and extraordinary. It is a sculpture: a bow of many colors. If effect, God is making a bond between themselves and all living creatures through the presentation of an art object. Whenever this object, this pledge, appears in the skies after a storm, all living beings will know that they are safe, at least from cataclysmic destruction. “The Agreement: Chromatic Presences” is an examination of the connection the viewer feels towards a polychrome sculpture that shares their space. It hearkens back to this original notion that these objects, simultaneously real and impossible, symbolize a pact between ourselves and the inscrutable and unknowable.

  • Under the Waqwaq Tree @ Slash Arts

    Under the Waqwaq Tree @ Slash Arts

    October 16, 2021 through January 23, 2022
    Curated by Naz Cuguoglu

    Featured Artists: Anna Betbeze, Patricia Domínguez, Katie Dorame, Nilbar Güreş, Michelle Handelman, Sahar Khoury, Cathy Lu, Ranu Mukherjee and Shervone Neckles

    Once upon a time, there was a tree on a far far away island. On this tree grew female creatures, reproducing and self-perpetuating in an endless cycle. You could hear their screams “waq! waq!” at night as they ripened and dropped to the ground.

    Same story, different names — Waq Waq in medieval Arab geographical and imaginative literature, Nariphon in Buddhist mythology, Jinmenju in Japanese legends, Zaqqum in the Quran — this is a tale with many echoes across time and geographies. A speculative fabulation, an illusion: Can you prove it did not happen?

    Under the Waqwaq Tree brings fabulous creatures and ferocious monsters into the exhibition space to tell stories of the “other” — the so-called aliens (legal or illegal), the ones who have been deemed “mad,” the historically and systemically underrepresented and oppressed.

  • Downtown Brooklyn + Dumbo Art Fund Awardee

    Downtown Brooklyn + Dumbo Art Fund Awardee

    In partnership with Beam Center & Lewis Latimer House Museum

    BEACON Public Art Installation will be on view
    Downtown Brooklyn at Albee Square Plaza
    September 2021 - March 2022

  • ROOTS/ANCHORS at Newhouse Center for Contemporary Art

    ROOTS/ANCHORS at Newhouse Center for Contemporary Art

    ROOTS/ANCHORS August 21 – December 31, 2021
    curated by William Corwin

    Newhouse Center for Contemporary Art at Snug Harbor
    open Friday – Saturday, 12:00 PM – 7:00 PM
    and Sunday, 11:00 AM – 5:00 PM

  • Migration Stories at Wilmer Jennings Gallery at Kenkeleba

    Migration Stories at Wilmer Jennings Gallery at Kenkeleba

    Migration Stories August 14 - September 25, 2021
    curated by Tara Sabharwal
    Wednesday to Saturday | 11 am - 6 pm
    214 East 2nd Street. New York, NY 10009

  • Tenacity Exhibition at Chautauqua Institute

    Tenacity Exhibition Gallery Tour at Chautauqua Institute
    JULY 04 - AUGUST 24

  • The Social Fabric: Black Artistry in Fiber Arts at Morris Museum

    The Social Fabric: Black Artistry in Fiber Arts at Morris Museum

    presented by Art in the Atrium and the Morris Museum
    June 4, 2021 – October 24, 2021

    Wednesdays – Sundays, 11am-5pm,
    6 Normandy Heights Rd., Morristown, NJ

  • 1-54 New York Presents 'Knotted Ties' at Christie's Rockefeller Plaza

    Works from Provenance Series on view May 15 – 26, 2021 with LatchKey Gallery

  • BEACON Public Art Installation @ Lewis Latimer House Museum

    BEACON, 2020-21 Public Art Sculpture currently on view at 34-41 137th St, Flushing Queens from April 9 - September 15, 2021

  • Last Supper Exhibition presented by LatchKey Gallery

    Last Supper Exhibition presented by LatchKey Gallery

    Curated by Tamecca Seril

    Industry City, Brooklyn Feb 12 - March 14th
    323 Canal Street, Manhattan Feb 13 - March 20th

  • DIEU DONNÉ 2021 Workspace Resident

    DIEU DONNÉ 2021 Workspace Resident
  • 2020 -2021 Pollock-Krasner Foundation Grant Recipient

    2020 -2021 Pollock-Krasner Foundation Grant Recipient
  • Object Lessons Exhibition @ Edward Hopper House Museum

    Object Lessons Exhibition @ Edward Hopper House Museum

    Curated by Carole Perry

    The Edward Hopper House Museum and Study Center
    82 North Broadway
    Nyack, NY 10960
    March 20 - June 14, 2020

  • Rauschenberg Residency: Explorations & Experiments @ The Captiva Civic Center

    Rauschenberg Residency: Explorations & Experiments @ The Captiva Civic Center
  • Robert Rauschenberg Artist-in-Residence Video

    Reflections on my time at Rauschenberg Residency in Fall 2018.

  • You Will Know Me: Migration Stories @ Art Alive Gallery

    You Will Know Me: Migration Stories @ Art Alive Gallery
  • Songs of Toni Morrison @ The Colored Girls Museum

    Songs of Toni Morrison @ The Colored Girls Museum

    Curated by Michael Clemmons, Vashti DuBois & Ian Friday

    The Colored Girls Museum
    4613 Newhall Street
    Philadelphia, PA 19144

    Opening: Saturday, November 9th, 3-7pm

  • Provenance Solo Exhibition @ FiveMyles

    Provenance Solo Exhibition @ FiveMyles

    558 St. Johns Place, Crown Heights, Brooklyn, NY

  • Outdoor Installation @ Lewis Latimer House Museum

    Outdoor Installation @ Lewis Latimer House Museum

    Beacon Sails Public Art Installation
    Lewis Latimer House Museum
    34-41 137th Street, Flushing, NY 11354
    June 22 - Oct 20, 2019
    Opening Reception: Saturday, June 22, 2019, 5-7pm

  • Representing Grenada at 58th La Biennale di Venezia in 2019

    Representing Grenada at 58th La Biennale di Venezia in 2019

    An honor to be one of the four artists selected to represent Grenada at the La Biennale di Venezia in 2019.

    Commissioner, Susan Mains will lead the curation of the Grenada Pavilion
    May 11 - November 24, 2019

  • Race and Revolution: Still Separate - Still Unequal

    Race and Revolution: Still Separate - Still Unequal

    Curated by Katie Fuller and Larry Ossei-Mensah

    Race and Revolution Exhibition continues at the
    August Wilson Cultural Center
    980 Liberty Ave, Pittsburgh, PA
    April 27- July 21, 2019